Acupuncture may assist in treating a wide number of physical, neurological, mental and emotional ailments. We commonly see people experiencing the following conditions, but there are also many more!
- Chronic pain
- Acute pain
- Allergic rhinitis, acute sinusitis and the common cold
- Dental pain
- Headaches
- Anxiety, depression and stress
- Menstrual irregularities (dysmenorrhea)
- Musculoskeletal problems
- FMS – fibromyalgia
- CFS/ME – chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
- POTS – postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
- Infertility
- Pregnancy & Labour
- Nausea and vomiting
- Weight loss
- Insomnia
- Sciatica
- Stroke rehabilitation
Your first visit starts with a consultation and history taking. Questions may be asked about your medical history, chief complaint, other aspects of your health and lifestyle that may affect your treatment and recovery. Our practitioners will also take your pulse and sometimes check your tongue. Both of these are unique to Chinese medicine and are invaluable in our diagnosis. Your practitioner will offer you a treatment plan so you know exactly what we recommend to work towards reaching your health goals! Treatment will follow the consultation in your first session.
The cost is $105 with David Haynes or $95 with one of our other experienced practitioners, follow up treatments are $10 less. Your treatment may include Acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion and/or herbal medicine prescription. You may also be given lifestyle advice, exercises or dietary changes that are recommended for your recovery.
Many of our patients describe their treatment as very relaxing, in fact a lot of people actually fall asleep! When the needles are inserted you may feel a slight prick, but the needles are very fine (nothing like what you get at the doctor ) you may not feel much at all.
If you present with pain, you will often know that Acupuncture is working by the reduction of pain. By this occurring, it is proof that your body will respond to the Acupuncture treatments, and that the issue (pain/injury) will be able to make a recovery with repeat sessions. On the other hand, if no change is felt after a series of treatments then this could be an indication of a major structural problem (i.e. broken bone), which is out of our scope of practice and will require a referral to another specialist. For other ailments your practitioner will set a measurable goal, you will know if the treatment is helping by reaching this goal. This could be no symptoms, or a reduction in symptoms.
How long does acupuncture results last? Typically, the longer you have had the condition, the longer the course of treatment will be before you experience substantial or lasting results. Acupuncture can be done as often as five times a week, or as little as once a month. Each individual is different and results are specific to the individual. Once your health goals have been reached, we suggest Acupuncture maintenance treatment, which may only be two or three times a year. Much like a car service, just to keep you on track!
An initial consultation will determine your own personal treatment plan and set you on a path back to health, please give us a call on (07) 5531 6461 or email us on
Have a look at our other frequently asked questions
Read more about the history of Chinese Medicine here
© Haynes Acupuncture Gold Coast 2021