BUNDALL & MERMAID 07 5531 6461

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

  • Fertility Acupuncture

Falling Pregnant with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Did you know that Traditional Chinese Medicine to assist with infertility actually works? A recent study on the effects of traditional Chinese medicine to assist female infertility has had astounding results. Australian researchers at Adelaide University have created hope for women suffering from infertility as a recent study sheds new light on effectively helping women with infertility issues with Traditional Chinese Medicine. The research, titled “Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in the management of female infertility: A systematic review” concluded that using

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Moxibustion: The Power of Heat and Herbs

Moxa is an important tool in Traditional Chinese medicine used for thousands of years. Ancient hieroglyphs that date back to more than 3,000 years ago, during the Shang Dynasty in China, have been found to depict acupuncture and moxibustion treatments. What is Moxa? Moxa is a small and spongy plant, also called Mugwort in English and Artemesia Vulgaris in Latin. Therapists use moxa, a dried herb, to warm specific body areas, focusing primarily on pressure points. The purpose of moxa

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